please help all of us
to remember to remember:

to love one another
forever and NO MATTER WHAT,
to forgive one another,
to forgive ourselves,
to take care of one another.

god, please help us
to remember to remember:
that you are called by many names and you answer to all of them.
that you are GOOD.
that you would never forsake us, even when we have forsaken ourselves.
that you know us even when we don't know ourselves.
that there's no escaping you, and no reason to.
that there is no such thing as hell except forgetting that heaven is here, now.

we forget so easily. don't we?
life on earth can be so painful.

in our lives that are just as short as they are long,
just as precious as they are strong,
please help us to remember.
that you love us all.
no culture no religion - anonymous - 1/10/2012