For Peace & Healing. We are deeply aware of the tragic cycle of continuing violence around the world. As we each find our own way through the complex maze of inner feelings, it is useful to know that we are not alone in our struggles or in our hopes. Even as tragedy and suffering have occurred to so many people now and throughout history, there have also been passionate insightful voices calling for peace and healing. Below are a few special prayers which many have found inspiring.

Prayers Selected by our Visitors & Staff
- Beannacht - John O'Donohue
- At Prayer With Mary - Sister Mary Lou Kownacki, OSB
- We Interrupt This War - Cappy Hall Rearick
- Refuse to Fall Down - Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
- Prayer for World Peace - Sister Joan Chittister, OSB
- Prayer - Dr. Maya Angelou
- Prayer for the World - Rabbi Harold Kushner
- Wage Peace - Judyth Hill
- Pray For Peace - Ellen Bass
- Here's what to do during war - Maxine Hong Kingston
- Prayer for World Peace - Dr. Jane Goodall
- Sunlit paths of inner peace - Martin Luther King
- Do Everything with a Mind That Lets Go - Achaan Chah
- Small Wonder - Barbara Kingsolver
- One Altar - Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi
- May we love ever more - Julia Butterfly Hill
- Prayer for Everyday for All Creation - Millionth Circle Initiative
- Instrument of Thy Peace - St. Francis of Assisi
- If There is to be Peace in the World - Lao-Tse
- Blessed are the Peacemakers - Jesus
- When I Despair - Mahatma Gandhi
- Prayer for Peace - Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan
- Prayer of Repentance - Meher Baba
- Creator, Open Our Hearts - Alycia Longriver
- Oh Almighty! May He Protect all of Us! - Katha Upanishada
- May I Be Filled with Loving Kindness - Tibetan Mantra
- The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Numbers 6:24-26
- Deep Peace of the Running Wave - Gaelic Blessing
- Mychal's Prayer - Fr. Mychal Judge, FDNY
- Do not stand at my grave and weep - Mary Elizabeth Frye
- Violence never again! - Pope John Paul II
- Make Us Worthy, Lord - Mother Teresa
- Soul of Our Souls - Pashta MaryMoon
- We Give Thanks This Day - Rev. O. Eugene Pickett
- Oh Allah! I Consult You - Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)
- God to enfold me - Carmina Gadelica
- Today I purpose to live - Michael John Faciane
- Condemn us not if we forget - The Holy Qur'an, 2:286
- Circle me Lord - David Adam, Vicar
- Unite in Harmony - `Abdu'l-Bahá
- May Peace Prevail on Earth - Masahisa Goi
- Peace Day Prayer - Sister Rosemarie
- If I speak in the tongues of men - 1 Corinthians
More Prayers For Peace. Here are all of the prayers in our collection that include the word "peace."
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