Hey God, I really need to talk with you.

You see, I am overwhelmed with family responsibilities today. A part of me just wants to be a boy again climbing in the live oak tree in my grandmother's front yard, or riding my bike on the beach with the feel of wind in my hair. For a while, I wish I could play cops and robbers with my friends. That part of me longs for the time when my earthly father was the provider and I was free to be a little boy.

I sound ungrateful, Lord, but you know that I am not. I love my family above all else and want only the best for them. You have surrounded me with the people I always dreamed would be my family. But today I am tired. I realize that parents don’t get time-outs, but I am hungry for a recess … just a little one … maybe one solid hour to claim as my own, sixty minutes with no problems to solve and no responsibilities.

My wife and children depend on me and I am committed to being my best self — for them, as well as for you. But I'm not sure how to deal with all the stress that ends up on our doorstep every day.

I need you, Lord, to guide me with your love through this difficult time. I could use some extra strength. More patience and compassion would go a long way, too.

There are only so many hours in a day, so I'm not asking for more time. But Father, could you show me how to better manage the time I do have? My family and I need to spend more of our days and nights having fun. We need to share more happy times than we do now, but without your guidance, I won't be able to change a thing. With you by my side, I know I can be a better father and also a better husband to my dear wife.

Please help me, Father. I need you.
for fathers and husbands - cappy hall rearick - may 2015
From the author's book, Hey God, Can We Talk?
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