Maybe it all vanished
so abruptly it felt like there was nothing
but shock to take with you
on the unwanted journey ahead.

Maybe what came next has felt
full of firmly closed doors
or doors that open just enough
to allow a glimpse of what could have been.

Maybe those doors
are connected by paths
lined with thorns created
by the pairing of fear and desire.

Maybe (likely)
you’re tired and
ready for something,
anything to be different.

At any rate, despite
what has or hasn’t happened
in the weeks between
before and now–

May the journey ahead
become yours, even if the origin wasn’t.

May the journey ahead be full of doors
that open toward knowing your worth.

May the journey ahead connect you to the joy
created by existing in community.

May the journey ahead find you bearing witness
to the beauty that’s still present even in a burning world.
a blessing for existing in a burning world - heidi barr
Poem included in Church of Shadow and Light, Wayfarer Books, 2025. Shared with permission from the publisher.